Solid Trane 324 structural adhesive glue magnet, motor magnet metal and glass bonding glass adhesive
  • Solid Trane 324 structural adhesive glue magnet, motor magnet metal and glass bonding glass adhesive

  • Product Class:Solid glue trane solutions

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  • Market price:¥20.00

  • Member price:¥0.00

  • Product description:

    Solid Trane 324 structural adhesive glue magnet, motor magnet metal and glass bonding glass adhesive glueImport quality - Performance: in the strength of high temperature resistant screw. Invoice: add the number to open the ordinary invoice and 17 point value added tax invoice. Welcome to consult and purchase, Tel: 15017919988 (Ding Sheng), thank you!

  • Order hotline:15017919988
Product description:

Structural adhesive to high strength (compressive strength >65MPa, steel - steel was pulling the adhesive strength >30MPa, shear strength >18MPa), can bear a greater load and aging resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, stable performance in the life expectancy and applicable to withstand strong structural bonding adhesive.

Non structural adhesive strength is low, poor durability, can only be used for ordinary, temporary nature of bonding, sealing, fixed, can not be used for structure

Structural adhesive

Piece bonding.

The structure adhesive has high strength, anti stripping, impact resistance and construction technology. For metal, ceramic, plastic, rubber, wood and other materials of the same kind of material or between different kinds of materials. Can replace the traditional connection such as welding, riveting, bolt connection, etc.. The stress distribution of the combined surface is uniform, and the parts have no thermal effect and deformation.

In engineering structural adhesive is widely used, mainly for member of the reinforcement, anchoring, bonding and repairing; such as sticky steel, sticky carbon fiber, anchorage, fill the cracks, sealing, hole repairing, spike paste, surface protection and concrete bonding

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